Sunday, October 6, 2013

I am ashamed to say....

Things aren't always what they appear to be in my home. 
 Friends who stop by always comment on how beautifully decorated the house is; they love the uncluttered rooms, and comment "Your so organized."  As much as I appreciate the comments, because I do work hard at keeping the house in check, and enjoy decorating.... I get this PANG of guilt in my stomach....  I have a hidden secret.

I don't know what it is about those small spaces, they just get the best of me. 
  I know where my problem starts,
  I buy clothes, I make clothes;  I buy purses, I make purses...Do you see my dilemma? 

I do purge, but not enough......

Why do I find it so easy to donate an old lamp, (even if it gets used every day, just because I want a new style?)  but I can't seem to toss that sweater I bought 5 years ago, that I have only worn a dozen times?

This morning I was looking at my "Houzz" email.  There was an article on closets.

Should I read it?  Are they really going to tell me something I don't all ready know?  Reluctantly I   "clicked."   It was an eye opener... Here is the quote that hit home.

"When your closet (or your house) is full of things from your past,
 things that only remind you of who you were,
 you very literally have no room for who you are now and who you are becoming."

 FINALLY something made sense to me.  I know where to begin.

Now I am really going to be brave, I don't feel like my rehab. would be complete without sharing it all.  So here is my closet, or should I say my past?

Now my secret is out... I guess this is step #1, owning up to your problem...

I am going to take their advice, start small. 
 Step one is to begin the "purge," and not  a random selection like I did before. 
 This time I am going to keep the quote in mind, I may even hang it on the door! 

I'll keep you posted on my progress.  Here is to the future...
