Tuesday, January 22, 2013

And the winner is.......

Thank you to everyone who participated in my give away!
It was so much fun to see where all my new "fans" and "Likes" were coming from.
Unfortunately, there can be only 1 winner, and the lucky girl is
Meegan W.
from Darlington, WI

Congratulations Meegan, I hope you enjoy your new wallet!
I will be sending it out to you shortly.

For the rest of you, I hope you stick around, I have some nice surprises lined up.

The first one, (which will officially begin in a few weeks) is a "Trunk Show Sale"
I don't want to spill all the beans
but I need to make room for new inventory, samples, etc...
So I will be having a "Sample Sale"

It should be a lot of fun, so stay tuned for the details


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