Sunday, October 6, 2013

I am ashamed to say....

Things aren't always what they appear to be in my home. 
 Friends who stop by always comment on how beautifully decorated the house is; they love the uncluttered rooms, and comment "Your so organized."  As much as I appreciate the comments, because I do work hard at keeping the house in check, and enjoy decorating.... I get this PANG of guilt in my stomach....  I have a hidden secret.

I don't know what it is about those small spaces, they just get the best of me. 
  I know where my problem starts,
  I buy clothes, I make clothes;  I buy purses, I make purses...Do you see my dilemma? 

I do purge, but not enough......

Why do I find it so easy to donate an old lamp, (even if it gets used every day, just because I want a new style?)  but I can't seem to toss that sweater I bought 5 years ago, that I have only worn a dozen times?

This morning I was looking at my "Houzz" email.  There was an article on closets.

Should I read it?  Are they really going to tell me something I don't all ready know?  Reluctantly I   "clicked."   It was an eye opener... Here is the quote that hit home.

"When your closet (or your house) is full of things from your past,
 things that only remind you of who you were,
 you very literally have no room for who you are now and who you are becoming."

 FINALLY something made sense to me.  I know where to begin.

Now I am really going to be brave, I don't feel like my rehab. would be complete without sharing it all.  So here is my closet, or should I say my past?

Now my secret is out... I guess this is step #1, owning up to your problem...

I am going to take their advice, start small. 
 Step one is to begin the "purge," and not  a random selection like I did before. 
 This time I am going to keep the quote in mind, I may even hang it on the door! 

I'll keep you posted on my progress.  Here is to the future...


Monday, August 26, 2013

Lessons from Grandma....

Recently I had a conversation with a girlfriend.  She is a stay at home mom, and is considering jumping back into the work force, which meant finding day care for her children.  Her choices left her short 1 day a week, and she was reluctant about having the kids stay with "Grandma" on that day.  I asked her "why?"   Her explanation..."I think my kids will get bored staying with grandma all day, she has no video games,  she is not about all day outings to the zoo etc. or transporting them back and forth to camps or other activities."

 Our conversation made me think about my grandma.   I have such wonderful memories of spending summer afternoons at her house.  She didn't drive, and there certainly were no video games or cable.  Instead, I spent my time watching her sew, cook, and work in the garden.  While she was sewing I would play with her button tin.   I was fascinated by all the variety of buttons!  She would explain to me what she was doing, and I remember asking her "Grandma, how do you know what to do, you don't have a pattern?"   Her response, "The best patterns are in your head, you will always remember where they are and how to do them!"   She taught me how to knit and crochet, and I'd spend hours making a chain or doing garter stitch rows.  She was a wise women, this kept me quiet and busy!   She baked bread, and my job was to braid it and turn it into a wreath.  In the garden I'd happily sit on her hammock and she would tell me the names of all her roses.

As I look at my life today I wonder if I'd be the same person without her influences.  Even though she didn't teach me to sew, I learned so  much by watching her and I grew up appreciating hand made clothing, and creating my own patterns.    I share her love of gardening, and I knew I always wanted to have a beautiful garden like hers.  As for the cooking,  ehhhhhh, for those of you who know me, I am not the greatest in that department.   I guess I should have paid more attention to that....

When my boys were small, I always made sure that they had their "grandma time."  Kids today seem so scheduled, and over run with activities.  Yes my boys had their share of organized sports, trips to the zoo, and video games,  but there was just something about the simplicity of going to grandmas..She made them a spaceship under the basement stairs,  they made homemade ice cream, played golf in the backyard,  and on occasion she let them roller blade through her house...YIKES....

So I think I am going to give my girlfriend a call, and share my story with her.  It's worth telling, don't you agree?

As for my grandma, she passed away many years ago.   I kept her button tin as a remembrance.  It sits in my  studio, and I still enjoy looking through it and thinking of her.   
Thanks Grandma.....

What are your favorite memories of your Grandma?  There is something about sharing them that makes you appreciate them even more......

                                                            Grandma's Button Tin

Monday, August 5, 2013

"Weekend in the Country" - A new collection

"Country" to me represents; casual,  natural,  rugged, & timeless. 
  With those words in mind I have designed a new collection
"A weekend in the Country"

 I selected a beautiful oil-tanned leather, it's very durable, water resistant, and like the country, the
longer it's around the more beautiful it gets! Just like your favorite pair of jeans, it will lighten up where it bends, and daily use will create more character.

  Each design is classic, no frills, they will stay in style forever!

  Each bag is constructed with machine and hand sewing.  
  Adding hand stitching details give each bag a casual, country feel.

  So what is "country" without some beautiful flowers?  The leather flowers are all individually  hand dyed, and no two are alike!  The flowers are sold separately, and they simply clip onto each bag.
If your not a "flower" girl, your bag is beautiful without it.

Now you see why I named this collection "A weekend in the Country"  any of these bags are perfect for your trip to the country, the city, or everyday.

Find out more about all these lovely pieces on my website.....Enjoy

Ps.....Many of you may or may not know, I take all of my photography in my backyard, I am not professional photographer by any means, but I do enjoy it.  I recently took on an apprentice....I think the only thing she had in mind was looking for a place to nap, but I'm going to keep

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Garden inspirations......

Maybe it's the time of year but, lately I have found myself being inspired by some beautiful gardens. I would not even come close to considering myself an "expert" gardener.   I know that if you keep them weeded, and watered you will be rewarded!

 My approach to gardening is the same approach I take to designing clothes, purses and jewelry...."Maintain the natural beauty,  don't overdue it, and if it all looks good together in a "pile" the finished piece will be just  beautiful!"

These gardens are from a recent trip to Disney. 
  I know Disney can be some what over the top, and "a bit too picture perfect, if you know what I mean, but I was inspired by their "whimsy" and color.
Last week I went on a Garden tour in Franklin Michigan.
   Even though the gardens were on such a large scale, I learned to  appreciate each garden in pieces, and pull ideas and inspiration from that. 
I could walk though this door all day! 
 I know I can't just add a door like this in my yard, but I can  add the Hyrdrangea vine to my patio door...
An arbor is definitely on my wish list!
This is what I have learned......
  Natures beauty can inspire in many ways.  Whatever it is you create, add a bit of "whimsy."
  Don't get discouraged or intimidated by what others create or have.
  The most beautiful designs and ideas come from within.
 Don't try to copy and be something your not, someone else has all ready done that!  
Be  true to yourself.
  Love yourself and your gifts.
  Take a class or read a book on something new.. You never know you may have a hidden talent that you didn't even know about.

For those of you who have been following my "jewelry" adventure.  I have made some more progress.  Bangles!
"Who knew that hanging jewelry in your garden could be so beautiful?"
If you are interested in any of these jewelry pieces you can follow this link to my website

I also have added some new "Coin purses" "Wallets," and "Purses" to the shop.

For those of you who are wondering, here  is a photo of my garden.  "It's my slice of heaven" as one of my friends so nicely put it!   It's not huge, or meticulously manicured, but it's all I ever wanted out of a garden;  beauty, inspiration, a great photography back drop, but more importantly a place to relax and call home.

Thanks for reading....

Thursday, April 4, 2013

I said "I really don't want to get into making jewelry" but a girl can change her mind!

Maybe it was the long winter, or just an "itch" try something new, wherever the  jewelry muse came from I followed it!  It all started while surfing Pinterest (doesn't it always seem to start there!)
I discovered a technique where you stamp into molten solder with a rubber stamp and make these beautiful impressions.  My head started to spin, and I thought how beautiful those would look on my leather purses and wallets.  I took a class and did A LOT of reading, and I was ready to get started.  Now all I had to do was convince my husband!

I wish I had taken a picture of his face when I asked him where he kept his solder, torch, and flux!  The only way I can explain it is a look of "surprise" and "horror!"  He was a trooper though and hooked me up.  It didn't take long before I was immersed in a world of sanding, patina, metal cutters and steel wool. I didn't know you could do so many different things with metal.  I've torched it, annealed it, stamped it, forged it; changed it's color with patinas and liver of sulpher,  and cleaned it in a pickle pot!  All this and I only set off the smoke alarm twice!

Eventually I had enough of these beautiful pieces completed.  I took me a while to figure out how to secure them to my purses so in the meantime I made jewelry!

 I just finished photographing and listing all these beautiful pieces on my website.  You can view them all here.   

As you can imagine, the metal stampings look beautiful on my leather bags, stay tuned, I will be photographing these and get them listed shortly!

I guess I just love to jump into something and get my hands dirty.  Dirty is an understatement, my hands are a wreck, and with spring garden work around the corner I'm doomed!

I hope you love them as much as I do.  Next on the "jewelry" agenda bangles and necklaces!

XO Brenda

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Actions Speak louder than words.....

This week marks the 4th anniversary of my dad's death.

 With each passing year, the anniversary seems to get lost a bit more in life's activities.  This year has been  different.  My dad and I had a "typical" father/daughter relationship.   We certainly had our ups and downs, and he wasn't the best at "sharing or expressing" feelings.  We didn't go to daddy/daughter dances, there were no long phone calls from college wanting to know everything I was doing, and when my husband showed him my engagement ring to ask for his blessing  he said "Don't you want to give this to Brenda?"   You get the picture.....

 He had his "quirks" that left us all scratching our heads.  For example his drawers full of un-opened  playing cards.  He would always say "I like to start off each game with a new deck, and make sure you bury me with some!"   The family joke is his HUGE stash of school supplies. He was a frequent shopper at staples,  he could have opened up a small office with all his purchases. To this day, we still "shop" in grandpa's room for folders, paper, pencils etc.

 But I did know he loved me.

This week I found myself having random memories about him, and these were "true" memories. Not things you think you remember because you have seen a photo a thousand times, or it's part of a funny family story, these were genuine. 

The first came when I was walking through a parking lot trying to avoid all the puddles.  I remembered when I was about five walking with my Dad to Aco Hardware, we would go all the time so he could use his coupon for a free deck of cards, (Yes the hoarding started then!)   Like any other kid, the thought of jumping into a puddle was too hard to resist, so I jumped in the biggest one I saw, and covered my dad with muddy water! Needless to say it was NOT a quiet ride home!   Later I remember hearing him tell my mom the story and laughing about it, saying, "I can't believe she did that, I had to scold her though, but it was a "good" jump, she had so much fun!"  Now I realize the parenting lesson my dad gave me.  Kids need to know their boundaries. Kids will be kids, tell them what they did wrong, ground them if they deserve it,  but allow yourself to laugh and enjoy the journey of their childhood. Thanks dad, I have  enjoyed watching my sons grow, I've disciplined them when they deserved it, allowed them to be kids,  and had lots of "Laughs" along the way.

The second memory came when I was looking out the window, searching for any sign of Spring, and anticipating all the upcoming yard work. I started to laugh because, I remembered how my dad would make me pull all the weeds along our fence, I chore I hated!  I would tell him "Why don't you just take the fence down, and mow over the weeds? or just make the yard one big patio so I don't have to do this?" His reply "Someday you will appreciate having a yard, get to work!"  Thanks dad, I heard you loud and clear...Today I love gardening, there is not a weed in my yard!

The last memory came when I was sewing.   I remembered how my dad called me and said "I bought your mom a sewing machine  for Christmas"   To which I quickly replied "WHAT, nobody SEWS any more, take it back, that was a dumb idea!"  He gave it to her anyways, and said, "I don't care if it sits in the basement for years, Maybe someday YOU may want to sew something, and it will be here for you to use."  Hmmmm need I say more, years later I borrowed that machine, and never gave it back!   Thanks dad!

I really miss my dad, he may not have been a "warm and fuzzy" kind of guy, but he always sent flowers on Valentines day, and brought over a "Paczki" on Fat Tuesday.  Sometimes it's not what people say that's most important, it's what they do.  My dad's actions spoke volumes over his words, and I'm so great full that I finally opened my eyes to see them!

P.S.  "Hey dad, I hope your using those decks of cards I sent along with you!"


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

And the winner is.......

Thank you to everyone who participated in my give away!
It was so much fun to see where all my new "fans" and "Likes" were coming from.
Unfortunately, there can be only 1 winner, and the lucky girl is
Meegan W.
from Darlington, WI

Congratulations Meegan, I hope you enjoy your new wallet!
I will be sending it out to you shortly.

For the rest of you, I hope you stick around, I have some nice surprises lined up.

The first one, (which will officially begin in a few weeks) is a "Trunk Show Sale"
I don't want to spill all the beans
but I need to make room for new inventory, samples, etc...
So I will be having a "Sample Sale"

It should be a lot of fun, so stay tuned for the details


Saturday, January 12, 2013

A blog "GIVEAWAY!"

Hi everyone, I'm starting off 2013 with a giveaway!!!

I have been very lucky to be featured in a wonderful blog "The Funky Monkey", don't let the name fool you!  This blog highlights great products, artists, and specialty items, and with each feature comes a giveaway!    As part of my feature I am giving away one of my beautiful handcrafted wallets!
                                                          Leather Wallet give away!
If you want a chance at winning, here is what you need to do!
          1.  Like my FB page
2.  Go to The Funky Monkey
     Follow the entry instructions on the website - It's that simple.

If you are all ready a FB fan, you are all ready eligible to participate, just go to the website and


While your on the website, I am sure you will get hooked like I did, check out the rest of the giveaway's they are awesome


Sunday, January 6, 2013

Fifty thoughts.....(and some Shades of Grey!)

A friend asked me today "Why haven't you been keeping up your blog?, I enjoyed reading it!"  I couldn't come up with a good answer, other than just being a bit lazy, and I guess part of me just thought "Do people really like to read all this?"   So thank you Robin for giving me a poke, I have had a few things going on in my head lately, and if your the only one reading, enjoy!!

I usually don't give the new year much thought, other than trying to remember to put the correct year on my checks, ( I usually catch on mid-February!)  This year has been different,
 I turned 50 on January 3rd.

For the past few weeks, that's all I could think about....I'm going to be fifty.  I never paid that much attention to getting older, until now....Everywhere I looked I was reminded of aging.
Words like, "mature," "senior," and "menopause," seemed to show up everywhere,
 (or maybe I just noticed them more!)
  So when the day finally arrived, I woke up with a terrible cold.  Confined to the couch all day, I had nothing better to do than think. Naturally, my thoughts went right to turning 50, but this time I asked myself a question, 
"Do I really want to be in my 20's or 30's again?"

***  In my 20's (before kids) I was in college, broke, and spent most of the week figuring out what
       I was going to do on the weekend, what I was going to wear & waiting for that "Guy" to call,
       etc. etc.  Staying home was not an option! (almost ashamed to admit all  that!)  -  Nope don't
       want to go back there.  I'm quite happy spending weekends home (with the same guy) a good
       bottle of wine and a movie.   I still can't get over the clothes thing though, some things never

*** The rest of my 20's were spent having babies, changing diapers, getting only
       4-5 hours of sleep a night (sometimes a day!) and trying to find some "adult time!"
       Definitely don't want to go back there!   It was an experience I will forever cherish,
       but if I get woken up in the middle of the night now (even for a hot flash!) I know it's not
      to change a diaper, or make a bottle, (maybe it's for some adult time LOL) and I can always sleep

***  My 30's were spent raising 2 boys,  PTA meetings, making endless batches of
        cupcakes,  play dates, basketball practices and long division.  I started to get into crafts
        and sewing, but if I didn't have a pattern it wasn't going to happen!  -  Nope  can't do that again
         I am certainly great full  to have stayed at home and been there for my boys, but I
        HATE long division, and play dates are a lot of work!  More importantly I have learned that
        creating your OWN idea or pattern is  much more rewarding.  I have defined my style,
        and developed my own techniques.  Creating is easy when it comes from inside!

*** My 40's were spent going through high school again!  Need I say more (and it's a lot tougher
       the 2nd time through!) I was able to carve out more time for myself, I began creating and
       figuring out what I was good at.  Also started to be an "adult" and had to learn the hardest
       parenting lesson, 'LEARNING TO LET GO!"...(Still working on that one)  -  Can't say I'd really
      want to go back there, it wasn't a bad time but it was frustrating,
       ( I was all over the place, my husband was so patient and supportive)
         Seeing  your children become independent is a wonderful thing, but it's also eye opening.  I
       came to realize, they don't need me as much any more, "Now what do I do?"     

*** So here I am 50, and I realize I don't want to go back.  I don't feel "mature,"  or "over the hill."
       I feel the same way I always felt, like me. I'm excited about what's next, I know what I'm good
       at and what makes ME happy, and so lucky to be  in love with the same man (and two younger

I guess there is something to say about having a "Sick day on your 50th birthday"  I enjoyed the trip back in time, but more important, I realized that right now is so exciting, and I needed all those experiences to get me to this point, I shouldn't dwell on the "age" thing,  but just enjoy the age!  I will never be 20 again (and don't want to be), I won't be a size 8 again  (even if I want to be)
but at some point I won't be 50 either, and I want to look back at those years with the same smile on my face!    

I realize I have broken just about every rule of "blogging"  too much talk, no pictures, and the topic
is only meaningful  to me, but I've read that when your "50," you should be able to do
whatever you want!!!
 So for the few of you who have  kept up with me so far, thank you, it's tough to be a good listener,
and as a reward you are the first to hear about my Facebook giveaway.
Details will be available shortly,  so stay tuned!
        As for the "Shades of Grey"  bring it on, I''m game....  
I'm talking about a few "grey" hairs, what did you think I  was talking about?????
